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CST 311 - Intro to Computer Networks - Units - 4

Survey of Telecomm and Data Comm Technology Fundamentals, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, Internet and internetworking protocols including TCP/IP, network security and performance, emerging industry trends such as voice over the network and high speed networking. Designed as a foundation for students who wish to pursue more advanced network studies including certificate programs. Includes hands-on networking labs that incorporate Cisco CCNA lab components.

Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): (Prereq: CST 238 and MATH 130 with a C- or better)

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Units: 4

My Experience in CST-311 - Introduction to Computer Networks:

The class was both invaluable and very generous in grading considering the vastness of the body of information about computer networks. I feel like an extremely relevant sliver of networking knowledge was handed to us, but we are far from network professionals still.

I was able to get some very useful and educational experimenting with Python, MiniNet OS, MiniNet Virtual Network Software, MiniEdit, Wireshark, sockets, ping, MiniNet Software's net links nodes pingall traceroute

Here are links to my journals:

I put lots of example knowledge in my journals as I came across it. Here are some screenshots from class work:

I put lots of example knowledge in my journals as I came across it. Here are some screenshots from class work and the time period during the class:

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Wireshark Study

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Programming Network Socket Connections With Python

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Programming Network Socket Connections With Python

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Wireshark Study

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
MiniNet Software Network Commands Net Links Nodes Pingall

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
MiniEdit Software Defined Network GUI Tool - Creates A Python Software Network!

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Wireshark Study

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Wireshark Study

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Arithmetic And Charting of Bandwidth And Networking Principles

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
MiniNet And iperf3 In Action

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Arithmetic And Charting of Bandwidth And Networking Principles

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Arithmetic And Charting of Bandwidth And Networking Principles

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
A Cord-Re-Do Of A Home Networking Project

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Me During The Cord-Re-Do Of A Home Networking Project

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Wireshark Study

Screenshot from CST-311 Intro to Computer Networks
Network Topology Design For A Group Network Design Project

List of paradigms I practiced during the class:
  • Lots of practice with Python
  • MiniNet OS
  • MiniNet Networking Program Software Defined Networks
  • MiniNet's net, links, nodes, pingall
  • MiniEdit
  • WireShark
  • Moba XTerm
  • X Forwarding
  • Virtual Box Port Forwarding
  • traceroute tcpdump
  • Python Threads
  • more

Thank You CSUMB for the spectacular networking principles overview class, I sure wish I could absorb more of this subject - and I am, slowly but surely!

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