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CST 329

CST 329 - Reasoning with Logic

In this course students learn to develop skill in using logic to describe and assess arguments. Students will learn to write formulas in propositional and first-order logic, and more importantly, to write and check proofs. Students will also learn to write formulas in three-valued and modal logic, know how to choose an appropriate logic, and understand the limitations of logic in capturing human reasoning.

Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): [(Prereq: ( GE Areas A1 and A2 and A3 and B4) and (MATH 170 with a C- or better))]

General Education: UDB Integrated Scientific Inquiry and Quant Reason

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Units: 3

My Experience in CST-329 - Reasoning with Logic:

Reasoning with Logic and doing proofs is super fun and awesome, and I can't wait to apply it to nested conditionals and logic in programming and stuff like that. We get a proof checker made by CSUMB students that works super good and helps guide us through our proofs, streamlining the educational process, making what we are learning the core focus. The interface tells you instantly when you're off track so you're never off track for long!

Here are links to my journals:


I put some explanations in my journals as I came across them.

There's a proof. As you can see, it's fairly super extremely obviously clear here that Q.

Songs I found in History Class: Johnny has Gone for a Soldier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilahkkwZCfc James Taylor & Mark O'Connor - Johnny Has Gone For A Soldier And this version is super awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqMgjqViB5c (Ancient Irish Lament version)

List of paradigms I practiced during the class:
  • Modus Ponens
  • Modus Tollens
  • Modus Tollendo Ponens
  • Conditional Derivation
  • Reducto Ad Absurdum or Proof by Contradiction
  • Propositional Logic
  • First Order Logic
  • To think a good and long time about something you can't figure out!! The first order logic rules are deep, in that you might find unexpected nuances of the functinality of the meaning of the symbols we use. Even more specifically, I learned that, for example, when you existentially generalize, because it's existential generalization, you don't necessarily need to generalize every single term. When you universally instantiate, because it's universal, you are allowed to instantiate to anything you want, even terms that are already present. Those nuances caught me off guard during the class but hopefully I won't forget them! I can't share them because they're sensitive school work but I saved every proof from the class so I can go back over it all any time I want.

  • And lots more

Thank you CSUMB for the very insightful and very educational class! The material is extremely broadly applicable and useful, as well as extremely well presented. I was already okay at proofs, but this class really helped me gain a lot more of these skills! The class ended mid 2022.

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