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CST 462s

CST 462s - Race, Gender, Class in the Digital World

Provides students with key knowledge of race, gender, class and social justice especially in relation to technology in today’s digital world. Students challenge the barriers of expertise, gender, race, class, and location that restrict wider access to and understanding of the production and usage of new technologies. Students will engage in a practical experience in the community via their service placements, which will provide depth and context for considering questions of justice, equality, social responsibilities and the complexities of technology and its societal impact. The course uses scenario based approach combining presentations, discussions, and reflections to allow students explore the relationship between critical reflection and action on the topics mentioned above.

Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): (Prereq: GE Areas A1 and A2 and A3 and B4 with a C- or better)

General Education: UDD Integrated Social Sciences

University Requirement: ES Ethnic Studies, UDSL Upper Division Service Learning

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Units: 3

My Experience in CST-462s - Race, Gender, Class in the Digital World:

The class was maybe a little less graphically exciting than the one I took with it concurrently, CST-328 Graphics Designgraphic-hypothetical-mobile-sbr-orange (look there for graphical excitement) however it was nonetheless extremely educational and invaluable.

There were three main components to the class, each of which obviously had several sub-components, the three main components were volunteering for a non-profit technology related site to help the community, component 2 was writing a group research paper which also involved information gained from an interview from the volunteer site and the third component was to have class discussions on ethics topics regarding race, gender, class in this digital world. I took the class concurrently with CST-328, Graphics Design class.graphic-hypothetical-mobile-sbr-orange (look there for graphical excitement)

Here are links to my journals:


I put lots of example knowledge in my journals as I came across it.

The final week was for writing a letter to an influential politician (see journal 56) and included the topic of utilizing open source solutions rather than loaded gifts from Apple or Microsoft that could have MAJOR strings attached.

I don't think I should necessarily post the group report we wrote, or the discussions or anything other than what's in my journals, but I put a lot in there already, see the journal links, above.

List of paradigms I practiced during the class:
  • Lots of practice with APA research paper references
  • Literature Review
  • Writing and giving an interview
  • How to fix a laptop or computer with Linux (at the volunteer site)
  • How to test speakers
  • How to test a VCR, DVD player, or Blue-Ray Player
  • more

Thank You CSUMB for the very educational class! The material is extremely broadly applicable and useful, as well as extremely well presented. This class ended February 25th, 2022.

I feel like this page should have at least something graphical so how about one of our new cat, and some of our other pets:

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